Killing Search Traffic Softly

Natural mistakes, we humans make them. If you're a robot, you would also make mistakes. But as a turn around, we actually learn from them. In fact the smallest of mistakes done on a website will actually be a big issue and sometimes will evedently cause you problems. And again naturally, big problems turns to lost of traffic, money and even projects.

For few months now I've been reading and getting feedbacks from my peers regarding problems their facing especially with the web world. All and all, after a few discussions, I could say, there are at least 5 major mistakes that web owners or developers still do, from a Malaysian point of view.  Something I could share especially with the newbies.

Did not register with search engines, especially the big guns.

Still, here in Malaysia, web owners are still at lost about the many FREE webmaster services provided in the web especially from Google. That's something fruitful. But the main thing is, it is important to submit your site especially to Google database, so at least you'll get traffic - targeted or otherwise. Another thing that I found, most sites, especially users of WordPress, somehow the no-follow and no-index attributes is still abled. Probably it is because of the default setting of WordPress, as new web owners, these are the main areas that have to be disable to provide a passage way for their web pages in the net. So if you still can't find your site through Google, either by typing your own site URL, my best bet, just submit again to Google. But this time make sure that all the necessary actions is taken to account.

Wondering why I always notice this. It is because I use Chrome extensions extensively, I have the no-follow attribute enabled. Chrome actually lets me see all the links at any website with a no-follow attribute. Quite cool for a simple extension, but it is also a reminder to always and always make sure you've done the necessary actions before your website is going to be live.

Handing over to the automated SEO optimizer.

Well, who wants one. a great tool for you websites or blog. But, is there any? And by the way, keyword phrases changes every time and there is no specific number. So I could say that, there is no best number nor best keyword or words for a page. Same goes for your website title tags, meta and so, and so. And don't get me wrong, there are NO SEO software that really can optimize a website automatically, especially in pin pointing a certain word or phrase and making sure your site is always at the top list.

Through my learnings, it's just common sense and a bit of imagination. So how to get noticed? There's plenty out there, just google-it, trust me you'll learn a lot. But, as the old saying goes, how do you sell something if no one knows what you're selling? It is the same concept. Best tip, social groups, niche bloggers  and many more. Another tip, if you're selling fishes don't go sell your product at a technical driven group. Simple logic. Unless these techies really wants to eat fish.

Re-directing old websites with a 302-redirect instead of a 301-redirect.

Either changing a new domain name or just simple redevelopment of your site at a new base, just use the 301 redirect method. Plain simple, It's just telling your search engine Google, that you are moving, so forget about the old URL and transfer it to your new URL. So, you will not get that double indexed thingy. You will still have your original links intact. So it's like moving  to a new home and bringing the same old furniture with it. And the bad part is, if your site has that double indexed, you will, unfortunately splitting your pages rank and the old URL can't pass the link-juice to the new URL pages. So, possible rank decrease?

Simple method, is just to check your top header status re-direction with a lot of FREE  server header tools. These tools can show weather your URL have been redirected either with a 301 or a 302 re-direct method.

Writing to your boss instead of writing to an old friend.

While some times, daily business activities takes its toll. Using uncommon words, slang-english so on and so forth, will however, reflects what you write on your websites. The key here, people who comes to your website does not need a translator but enough to understand what your web site could offer.

Check through marketing websites, I am sometimes clueless in wondering what they can offer. Although plain old English is my second language, but still, I can't figure out what they are providing. Fundamentally speaking, supposedly these so called marketeers, at least have the basics of communications especially explanation through simple writing. Is that what they have to master to be in the marketing industry? 

To tell the truth, I am not that good in English since writing is not my cup of tea, but at least get the point right. If no one to guide you, just hop on over FREE web tools. There is even tools to do a simple translate or for advance users, you can also find tools to extract the normal phrases used in websites. All at the tip of the finger. That's when one word can speak a thousand phrase an a picture can say a million words. Something like that?

New site with new domain but still having the old live.

Having 2 websites up and running at the same time is actually a no-no. A disaster in the making for search engines. Through my experience, every time it happened (coincidently or by mistake), a total punishment for the new website. Search engines just does not indexed that new site. What's the point, spending that time and money for a spectacular website whilst no one can even reach to it?

Just follow 301-redirect all your old URL's to the new and if needed, perform the change address in Google's Webmasters Tool in your account. Trust me, by doing this, at least what was gathered from your old URL sites should somehow reflect back to your new domain by Google. At least it's a FREE jump start for your new website.

There are, however, tonnes of common mistakes done by Malaysian webmasters and web developers but at least, with this 5 common mistakes, should be an eye opener, As the simplest mistakes can cause a lot of trouble, a hole in the pocket and crunch time for your future projects.

Hope this article is fruitful for Killing Search Traffic Softly.
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